We currently live in a world where people focus more on your mistakes than appreciate the nice things that you make. One thing I keep on noticing on people is how they are too quick to judge and criticize someone even at times when the action is pretty much commendable.

I don’t know why it’s easier for people to give bad comments rather than leave an affirmative ones. I also noticed that when people give compliments it’s just a short phrase like “you look nice” or “that’s great!” etc. But when they give their opinions about how they dislike something/someone it’s detailed like they have too much words on how they “hate” it. I don’t know how people find joy in criticizing someone. Are they like sadists who takes pleasure in bringing people down? And why is it awkward to praise others for the nice things that they do or even give a simple compliment?

I’ve encountered this article on why people tend to give criticisms https://psychology-spot.com/unfair-criticism/. To summarize the article they are either of the following: They are insecure, threatened, self-centered, attention-seeker, or they are jealous of you. And I’m thinking about how all of these reasons sums up a person who has problems with self-love. It makes sense though, I see how being critical let people face their insecurities that they couldn’t address and they let it out on others as to divert the attention from their own flaws. While, others use it as a way to be seen and to feel important like they say being opinionated makes you look smart. Jealous people tends to be critical to the point of having a crab mentality because you have what they don’t have, and this also falls on being self-centered and besting out everyone. But not all criticisms are bad there are constructive criticisms which aims to make you better at what you do, we also need to learn to differentiate those apart. Sometimes it’s constructive to them but it’s not to us. Imagine if these people are so secured with themselves, they won’t even have the time and care to give any comments on others. It will be peaceful world for sure.

Why is it awkward to give compliments? This is based on observation, I think it’s the same on how we accept compliments. We feel awkward right? I think most of us are hesitant to give out compliments because we’re not sure on how the other person will react on it. Many people shut down compliments because they have low self-esteem and they feel like it’s not true, they see their selves as the complete opposite of the compliment. And it made me think again how this falls on the problem of self-love. Can you believe many problems and complications arise from having a little and no love for yourself?

Just some thoughts I have. Sorry for this short post, I’m so annoyed how critical and judgmental people can be on social media. You can’t really express yourself nowadays, even when you help others there are still those trolls who will ruin your day.

Anyways, see you on my next post! 😊

Please check out this article by Sumeet Why Hating Someone Is So Stupid (And How To Stop It) this blog post from Sumeet triggered me to write this post.

P.S. Please be kind to everyone, if you feel the urge to give a bad comment, contemplate and keep it to yourself. Spread love and kindness.

P.P.S. Love yourself.


  1. Well said! I like to make an effort to compliment people, and when I do, sometimes I’m amazed (pleasantly surprised) how it opens up a nice at conversation we never would’ve had. So important to be kind💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello, I read your post. Yes, I agree. Oftentimes, it is not other people whom we describe and reflect with our words and actions, but ourselves. This is an important message that must be spread out. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So true! I worked in customer service for 5 years and customers are so quick to complain when things aren’t up to their standards but never compliment if we did a good job.


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