I write when I am sad.
It’s the only thing that I have
every time I feel bad.

I write for these 
feelings to be released,
that’s the time
I’ll finally be at ease
and my mind will
somehow be in peace.

14 thoughts on “THE REASON I WRITE

  1. Shall I wish you happiness and peace of mind? But then you wouldn’t write anymore! πŸ˜‰
    Still, I so hope you’re not often sad. As you say, writing is one way of working it out —and it’s a great way of sharing joy, too.
    I write because I like to share, but I’m more on the up-side; I like to share funny little stories I’ve read, Anyway, however you’re feeling, keep writing and sharing. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is just one of the many reasons why I write and we may have different reasons, ways of doing it and that’s what makes writing so interesting but it’s all for the sake of sharing and just writing 😊

      Thank you for reading and commenting.
      Happy writing. πŸ˜„


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